The Rules of Almahbusa

The game Almabusa adds the following rules to the rules of Almaghribia:

1. If A has a single pebble on a field, B can nevertheless move to that field. B then puts B's pebble on top of A's pebble. One says: B blocks A on this field.

2. In case of blocking, A cannot put any more pebbles on that field. However, B can put further pebbles on that field.

3. In case of blocking, B can leave the field. However, A can leave the field only after all pebbles of B have been removed from it.

4. If B blocks a pebble of A on the initial field of A, then A cannot win any more, except if A also manages to block B on B's initial field.

5. A win normally makes for one point. Two points are awarded if the win is by blocking the opponent's initial field or if the opponent still has all the pebbles on the playing field at the end of the game.

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